This is intended to provide you with important information about your drinking water and the efforts made to the CALUMET CITY water system to provide safe drinking water.
We, here in Calumet City, draw 100% of our drinking water from Lake Michigan. Each year, on a monthly basis, our water is tested by State approved laboratories for a wide range of possible contaminants.
This year, as in years past, our City¹s water has met all USEPA and State drinking water health standards. Our system vigilantly safeguards its water supply.
The Calumet City Water Department is required to conduct random testing for lead and copper in the water system every three years.
To request a hard copy of the annual drinking water quality report, please call (708) 891-8155.
Mayor Thaddeus Jones and the City of Caluemt City have launched a milti-year effort to replace lead water service pipes, to benefit Calumet City residents, through the Lead Clear Lead Safe program.
The water service line brings water from the water main to your house. If your service line is determined to be a lead pipe, you may possibly be at risk of high levels of leas exposure. The City will replace identified lead service lines with a new “lead-free” copper water line.
Reemplazos de servicio de agua con plomo
El alcalde Thaddeus Jones y la ciudad de Calumet City han desplegado un esfuerzo de varios años para reemplazar las tuberías de plomo del servicio de agua, en beneficio de los residentes de Calumet City, a través del programa Plomo transparente plomo seguro.
La línea de servicio de agua lleva agua desde la tubería principal hasta su casa. Si se determina que su línea de servicio es una tubería de plomo, es posible que corra el riesgo de sufrir altos niveles de exposición al plomo. La ciudad reemplazará las líneas de servicio de plomo identificades por una nueva línea de agua cobre “libre de plomo”.