Attention or Alert Warning signals:
Attention or Alert Warning signals are primarily sounded to announce the imminent arrival of sever weather. The sirens are an important part of our weather awareness program, along with NOAA weather radio and our own “eyes in the sky.”
The sirens are under the direct control of the 911 Dispatch Center, however, ESDA duty officers order siren activation. When severe weather is indicated, ESDA personnel known as “spotters” monitor information obtained from radio frequencies used by the Multi-County Severe Weather Warning System, the Illinois State Police and the Emergency Management Weather Information Network to assess the weather threat. When the “spotter” obtains reports of a tornado, funnel cloud, or other potentially severe weather within 25 miles of our City borders, the ESDA duty officer orders siren activation. A 911 telecommunicator activates the signal.
An “all clear” signal, per the recommendation of the Emergency Management Agency, will not be sounded, since research has shown that this practice confuses people.