The City of Calumet City is implementing a variety of flood protection activities. These include:
- Completion of a comprehensive floodplain management plan that was adopted by the City Council in December 2005. Copies of the Plan’s Executive Summary are available free at the Department of Inspectional Services.
- Construction of many local sewer improvements. We are now embarking on new projects in the far north part of the City.
- Upgrading the Little Calumet levee to provide more secure protection from smaller floods.
- Support for the Thornton Quarry Reservoir, which will provide protection from larger floods when complete.
- Instituting a regular inspection and cleaning program for the ditches and channels.
- Making sure new construction is protected from flooding and sewer backup
- Preserving flood-prone areas as open space.
- Providing a host of materials, references and advice on flood protection for homes and businesses.
- The Calumet City Public Library also has information and reference materials on how you can help protect yourself. You can visit the library online at: