Terms defined:
CSO – Combined Sewer Overflow; overflow of combined sewage which discharges untreated wastewater into the City’s contact waterway.
NPDES – National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System
IEPA – Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
MWRDGC – Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
TARP – Tunnel and Reservoir Plan
The majority of the City of Calumet City is served by a combined sewer system, which conveys both sanitary sewage produced by domestic water use and storm runoff produced by snow melts and rainfall. The City’s sewer system discharges through a diversion chamber to interceptor sewers owned and operated by the MWRDGC. The MWRDGC enacts many of the required controls on behalf of its tributary communities, including Calumet City. All of the CSO locations have been connected to TARP, or the deep tunnel system. The public sewer system in the City of Calumet City contains seven combined sewer overflow locations that discharge untreated wastewater into the Little Calumet or Grand Calumet Rivers during heavy precipitation events. These overflows are allowed, to a limited extent, by NPDES permits administered through the IEPA since the mid-1970s. As a condition of the permit, a requirement is to implement a public notification plan.
CSO Locations Adjacent to the Little Calumet or Grand Calumet Rivers:
#1 At River Drive
#2 Between Arthur and Woodview Street
#3 At Greenbay Avenue
#4 Burnham Avenue (south)
#5 Freeland Avenue
#6 Lincoln Avenue
#7 East side of Burnham Avenue (north) at State Street
The City of Calumet City has adopted the Pollution Notian developed by the MWRDGC. The link to the MWRDGC site is provided below, thus fulfilling the public notification plan requirements of the NPDES permit.